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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nap time!

Oye.  So I just put my non-napping toddler down for a nap.  He's been soo tired today (laying all over the floor etc) that I figured it was necessary.  This child has not had a regular nap for probably close to a year.  I followed his bedtime routine (milk, books, goodnight lights, music, hugs and kisses).   He FREAKED.  He's still crying 8 minutes later, although it's less dramatic. I really hope he goes to sleep, even if it's just for a half hour or so.

Hmm, 10 minutes in and all is quiet.  Owen is sleeping right now too.  This is nice.  Hmm, I wonder if I make this a regular happening...

Anyone have any suggestions for starting a 22 month old on a regular nap schedule?

1 comment:

  1. Bree has a somewhat normal naptime. She just zonks out after lunch. Its bedtime we have a problem with... Good luck!


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